I've had the DNS-325 for about 2 months now. I had it working to stream audio and video pretty well and could access it from my Win 7 64 bit machine. But I have a ton of mp3 files and some are messed up or have bad tag info. I decided to delete all, clean up the mp3's on my pc and then copy back. When I deleted all I had about 15 folders that wouldn't delete. Each one had at least one file in that would not delete. I noticed that everyone of the files that wouldn't delete had a size (in the web folders tab) that was really screwed up, like 16000 gb...one was something like 1,000,000 gb. I thought, well that's what I get for dumping these screwed up mp3 in here. I'll just reformat and start over. Bad idea. Since I have done that, I can't create shares. I can see the NAS in the network, but there's nothing. No Volume_1, no music folder, no video folder. I have 1 user and group setup and added another one just for grins. In the Network Shares tab, I go thru everything and when it's done I hear the HD in the NAS work and see the light blink, but no share shows up.
HOWEVER, if I go to the Web File Server thru the NAS web interface, I see the folders I just created and can check their properties. But they are unavailable to windows and they are not available to the Dlink drive mount tool.
I guess I am going to remove the hd and reformat it in a PC and see what happens when I put it back in and reformat it again.