"Forderm" and "Peas" something is wrong with you, people. You for a second forget what is not of all people here is a computer guru. So question is very simple. What to do with drives ?
1. Better DO NOT USE RAID 1 or JBOD, just buy another DS-321 (I am NOT WORKING FOR D-LINK SALES DEPARTMENT!) and make 2nd copy of you data to 2nd unit.
2. You can remove hard drive from dead unit and put to the new one. Actually this is why I like this unit. LINUX (OS) is stored in flash! So you can just swap drives. In some unit system is on the hard drive, so if hard drive fail you need to do some recovery procedure to put OS back to the unit.
3. I do not test it, but 99.9% sure, if both system (main data storage/computer and DNS-321) is dead you can install LINUX, connect hard drive/drives and get you data back.
4. Look like a joke, but ...
In case of fire…
Call to the service center.
Customer: My CPU is burned.
Service: OK, describe …….
Customer: No, you don’t understand, my hard drive is also burned.
Service: ??
Customer: And Video card ..
Service: How it happens ?
Customer: We got fire here…
So, in case on fire you need backup that stored in different location, like other office, home or on-line.
JBOD-> 1 Drive die -> data lost.
RAID 1-> controller die/corrupt data -> data lost(some time part of data, sometime all).