I recently bought a DAP-1360 - It's the only one available in my city.
I used to have a internet via phone, but it was too limitated - 2mb/0.60mb. A new internet became disponible in my apartment, but it could be only installed in the living room - and the router sucks - It's wi-fi range is terrible, but I can't change it as It's a "central", the phone is also connected on it.
So I bought the 1360 and installed it as wireless adaptor on my PC. First, I couldn't reach 10mb/3mb. I entered in panic as I spent R$ 220 (almost US$ 110), what's a lot of money here in Brazil to buy a router. I was reaching 0.20/0.10. So I searched and saw the many people resolved it upgrading the FW. If I'm not mistaken, it came with FW 2.10. Anyway, I upgraded it and I reached my speed.
Then it started losting connection.. I could take even 1 hour to get connection again - restart, restore, restart, remove cable, insert cable.. nothing worked.
I wanna know what can I do to solve this - I've seen some people use only G and could solve this, but my FW doesn't allows that.
Thanks for the help!
My main "modem" is mixed with N/B/G, channel 6 (to match the router). WPK-2.