I have read several of these forums and have tried to configure my router as suggested by FURRYNUTZ (see below). The problem I am running into is my DIR-827 will stop allowing me to log into the Admin console (won't respond to http request). This usually happens 12-48 hours of operation, and the router will continue to function as a router. I am forced to reset it or power it down to regain control of the admin console.
What Hardware version is your router? A1
What Firmware version is currently loaded? 1.04
What region are you located? USA, Northwest, Idaho, Boise
Has a Factory Reset been performed? No
What ISP Service do you have? Cable 50MBS download, 5MBS Upload (verified with speed tests)
What ISP Modem do you have? Stand Alone
What ISP Modem make and model do you have? Arris TG85, with radio disabled.
The Modem is bridged, with WAN IP address 67.61.252.xxx
QoS is Disabled
Traffic Shaping is Disabled
I do not have the option of turning off Advanced DNS Services.
DNS Relay is turned on.
Devices are set to auto obtain an IP address, and I reserve an IP address for devices after assigned.
Firewall settings are set to Endpoint Independent for TCP and UDP.
I have Enabled uPnP and Multi-cast Streaming and have disabled uPnP for testing Port Forwarding rules.
I have a 5Ghz network called Applemountain which only iMAC, MacBook Pro, iPads, and iPhones connect; this network allows N connections only at 20Mhz.
I have a 2.4Ghz network for all other devices, wired and wireless, and I have a D-link DAP-1525 Access Point connected by wire to the DIR-827, with an SID that is unique. This network is mixed G and N, and set to Auto 20/40Mhz.
Security mode is WPA2.
There exists a Uniden DECT 6.0 cordless phone system in the house.
There are 2 other WiFi routers in the area, one each in the adjacent homes.
WISH and WPS are disabled, as are Short GI, WLAN Partition, and Extra Wireless Protection.
Turn off WISH, and WPS under Advanced.