I cannot open ports for forwarding on my DWR-921.
I use it in 3G/4G mode. I have enabled UPnP. I have defined the port to forward in the Virtual Server screen, but the ports stay closed.
As Example I want to forward port 5004 for the alarm system and port 88 for IP Cam in Virtual server I input value 5004 in Service Port, and 88 in Server IP : Port, then check Enable box. I do the same process for the IPCam and finally I Save Settings.
From the LAN everything works fine and I can access both the alarm system and the IPCam, but when I try to access the two devices from a PC connected to the WAN (outside the LAN) I get no result.
When I check the status of the ports (from inside the LAN) with tools like yougetsignal I see they closed.
I have disabled Windows firewall (all the three levels) with no result.
Both inbound and outbound filters are disabled.
I use DlinkDDNS to overcome the issue of the dynamic public IP and everything works fine on the LAN. Again I cannot access any resource from the WAN.
I ping the dlinkddns hostname, and I see the correct ip resolution but all the packets are lost.
Can you please help me in understanding what is wrong?