Not sure what you mean by:
> Log in directly to the cameras firmware.
- do you mean ssh in, or (I'm guessing) the camera's http page?
(One can't log in to firmware, thus my question.)
> Goto the sd card and download via http.
- by which you mean right-click file, save as, type of thing?
Log in, scp or ftp it down or whatever.
Referring to
scp -rpP 8992 root@{cam ip}:/mnt/mmc/* .
'course, if only looking for particular files, could replace * with what you're particularly looking for. And could see what candidates there are for such via the web interface.
Problem being, of course, the above line will copy every file every time, rather than just new ones.
I also see ftp there, so one could ssh in to the camera then ftp just the files desired.
telnetd is also there, but I'm not sure what that buys us for this use case.
My initial testing with the above, in this case /mnt/mmc/Video/20131228/* failed,but not in the principle of the attempt, but because scp does not look to be properly iterating down directories to find all files.
...20131228/00/* didn't work either, and I can see files in there.
In all cases:
sh: scp: not found
So, I assumed ssh contained sftp and scp within itself, looks like they are separate binary files not contained on the camera.
- so, I'm wrong in the above, it didn't fail for lack of iteration, it failed for lack of the binary being present on the camera.
Presumably one could get the binaries from another installation but I haven't gone that far. 'lsb_release' is not present to get that info. 'uname -a' gives
root@ /mnt/mmc/Video# uname -a
Linux IPNetCam 2.6.18_pro500-davinci_IPNC_1.00 #1 PREEMPT Fri Dec 7 18:37:33 CST
2012 armv5tejl GNU/Linux
At ssh in:
Welcome to MontaVista(R) Linux(R) Professional Edition 5.0.0 (0801921).
is presented.