I`d post this:) I haven't really seen much on Rev.C let alone the previous Revision when unboxing,pics, or videos.
I ordered mine from Newegg.
First Impression Nice & Simple Box and easy to open, etc.
Came out of the Box with Firmware 3.00 (Probably will update it)
Plugged it in Hooked it up to my 8 port switch and it was ready and working! Cant mess with many settings at the moment as FedEx waited to come just after 5Pm when everyone will be getting home lol, So I`ll setup WiFi, QoS, Rules, DHCP stuff late tonight when everyone goes to bed.
Haven't had time to test WiFi but will edit this line when I do with my results
So right now everything is default nothing changed, and its performing pretty nicely. 1 Computer Streaming YouTube in 1080p, while Mom Coupon hunting, Dad watching YouTube stuff, I`m uploading to server, and about another 10 or so devices connected Mobile phones, etc. As of now only 2 devices are using the DIR-655`s WiFi just are phones rest is either Wired or on the Downstairs-AP.
Unboxing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjuDf3YDL_o
I have Cropped Down the Images But you can go here for Full Res Images: http://hunterspad.co.uk/host/index.php?dir=D-Link%2FHigh+Res%2F
Speedtest with several devices in use on my 24/2 Cable Connection: