Just purchased the DSL-3580L for the modem functionality and having 802.11ac features in one box.
So i got started and made the needed configurations and released the IP from old linksys WAG200N , so i could receive my static ip on the 3580L. Well that did not at all go easy.
although it went through and got enabled and got an IP, the DNS entries were missing. So i rebooted the box.
At next startup i had the DNS entries as well, but i wanted to alter the DSL advanced settings and have the Firewall disabled. so i disabled the firewall in setup->WAN settings and i altered DSL advanced settings, and now all the problems with connecting by DSL started.
Right up to the end, where i made a backup of the current config and looked at the conf file for the box. Not only did i have a DSL config, but because i played around and altered settings a little, i had nothing but 8 different WANIPconnections in the conf file, and i remember that in status page i also had several virtual interfaces.
Well, i removed 8 of the configs and reset next WANIPconnection value to 1 , renamed connection from PoE_1_101 bla.bla to MY_WAN and saved the config.
And i reloaded this config and rebooted the box, and YES, my box was online again.
But this box is a mess configuring, and im normally used to Cisco commandline configurations.
and the fact it does not delete old configs when its altered but create a new, looks to me like bugs in firmware.
On top of this, the Port forwarding in EU 1.00 was also messed up, didnt accept an IP address, but ok, i was lucky and found the BETA 1.01 on the ftp server, where it is resolved! hurrah for that one.
The box works now, but if this were a regular user without networking experience, the Wizard seems only to do worse for the user, than any good job which could have been done.
I suggest a near update release remember to reset old WAN ip settings if a wizard setup is started, so you do not have conflicts here.
Im hoping it survives now and its stable, but only been online for 8hrs now
If it was not for Linksys not having a DSLmodem box with 802.11ac, i would probably have chosen differently.