Hello. Currently, my router and room configuration for the devices are as follows.
Room 1 - Living Room - Room 2
Room 1 has the PCs and the cable modem and router.
Living Room has Xbox One
Room 2 has an original Xbox360.
The 360 has always had a hard time connecting to the router, I'm thinking, because of the distance from the router. Once in awhile, it will connect, but would usually disconnect after a bit of time. Today, I updated the firmware on the D-Link and thought I would try the 360 connection again. It DOES see the router. However, it says that there is No Security so no option to enter any password. But there is a password entered in the Basic>Wireless section. The Xbox One in the living room sees the router with the security lock icon, as does a tablet I have. Both the Xbox One and the tablet connected without a problem after putting in the password. So why do two devices see the security of the router while the 360 does not?
My current D-Link configuration for security:
Auto (WPA or WPA2)
Group Key Update Interval 3600
Pre-Shared Key input with password
Thank you for any insight into this mystery.