Hoping forum can help. Received DCS-5222L camera with old firmware (v1.01, hardware version is A1). I upgraded to 1.2 when prompted by MyDlink website. Initial setup fine. Everything seemed to work. I enter device as admin and go through motion setup wizard on the setup screen and include email notification for snap shot and video motion detection, enable motion and PIR and draw frame area, and enable SD record on motion. Save setting, all works fine. I can go to live view wave hand it indicates motion and recording; and emails show-up. I go to SD management and see saved files - all is OK.
I then reboot the camera and the on motion emails stop being sent and record to SD stops recording. Seemingly no amount of fiddle with settings restores this functionality.
I have been through this starting from factory reset several times. Same result.
Seems motion event trigger goes dead after reboot; stops triggering emails and recording video to SD.
Can anyone help?