If you use lastpass watch out when you are setting up the camera. Depending on how you have lastpass set up LP will try to fill in blank forms you don't want filled.
This is especially important on the ADVANCED page where you can change your password. Lastpass just changed filled in the appropriate blank forms and committed them to be active and I have no idea what lastpass entered as the updated password.
The way to avoid this is to enter lastpass setup and enter the following (or similar depending on your setup) urls into the various categories of exceptions for form filling.
The page to enter as an exception is the first page that shows up when you click "MAINTENANCE". It's listed as "ADMIN" in the menu, but the url is called 'advanced.htm'.
Since I use a static IP and dedicated port for my setup, the url I needed to add to the exceptions looked like this (note: "hxxp" is really "http".)
hxxp:// people will probably have something similar to the following:
hxxp:// your browser history to see how your your urls are formatted for everything that comes before 'advanced.htm'.
In lastpass I added the url as an exception for these categories:
- "Never Add Site"
- "Never Generate Password"
- "Never Fill Forms"
- "Never AutoLogin"
The other pages that can generate surprises with lastpass include the "email" and "network" settings pages. To add those pages as exceptions use the same format as I outlined for 'advanced.htm' only using "network.htm" or "email.htm" instead of 'advanced.htm'.
hxxp:// you'll never run into this problem. But, if you do this is the workaround.