My own $.02:
I purchased and used a DGL-4300 for *years* - as in well past 4 - without a hitch - until this past Jan, when it decided that it simply would not do DHCP for me anymore.
Based upon the use I got out of my 4300, plus the use I got out of my DIR-524s (Rev A and rev C) I decided to grab the 4500 w/ N Draft 2 - I now have a laptop with built-in N NIC, so I figured what the heck.
I then upgraded to the latest f/w out ATM - 1.15? - without bothering to read if it was worth it or not. I got stuck with crap f/w that I could not revert - all my fault.
However, things have gotten better, then worse, through the revisions. I was experiencing dropped packets (I ran my 4300 for 6 months with a single dropped packet - the 450 drops 1 per week or more - on the *wired* network). Wireless connectivity for my laptop is great - but for devices that do no support WAP, or G, it is straight horrible. My ancient iPaqs (a pair of 2490Cs) show diminished signal strength outside of 10 feet from line of sight to the router. My network goes stone cold dead within days. My machines are inaccessible from the real world every 3-4 days.
This may sound like a rant, but in fact it is more of a plea. Please, please *PLEASE* put pressure on Ubicom to fix this s*** ASAP - I have always preferred D-Link over Netgear as all DL products have. just. worked. No ifs, no ands, no buts.
I have a real world job and yet have a small beast of a computer at home - using RDC is *vital* for me for obtaining files that are not accessible anywhere else b/c of time, space, or other factors - both work file sand school work. I simply cannot afford to buy another router right now, and I cannot afford to not be using Gigabit Ethernet for my internal network at home, so plugging in the DIR-524s is simply economically infeasible. The 4300 still will not work (I have tried every sort of reset I could find in the forums and FAQs, to no avail - it simply does not send out IPs anymore to machines on my network) and I have to have this working immediately. If D-Link is willing to swap my currently upgraded 4500 (1.20) with a router running an older f/w (preferably 1.02 so *I* can decide which one to go with in the interim until these issues get resolved) I am most willing to open a ticket - the router is approaching its 6 month b'day in my household, and I have to say this is the first time I have ever had a problem with a D-Link - if it were not for these forums I would quite possibly have tried to exchange it at Best Buy, but reading here it is obvious that the problem lies in the router....
Some thoughts:
My router hoses itself within a 24 hr period if I have logging enabled (which I really, really *REALLY* want to have enabled as I report intrusion activities to However, if I disable logging, I can get 3-5 days of use out of it. That plus the fact that the router says it needs 2A of current, plus a comment made earlier, have me thinking - does this thing *really* need 2A of current? Is it slowly frying itself b/c of bad parts in the box? I have a set of NetGear GS108 Gigabit Switches - notorious for dying abruptly with the flashing lights of doom syndrome. The problem was that there was a very large batch of bad capacitors used in numerous models sold, and removing and replacing said caps with some found at Radio Shacks across the US make them work perfectly fine - I have one repaired over a year ago without a hiccup - in use right now with my 4500 serving remote areas of the house with Gigabit Ethernet. My thought is that the combination of such high current plus faulty hardware (and possibly the heat being dissipated from the components) could all be interacting to make our routers unstable?
BTW, I have my router mounted upside down (as that is really the only place I could place it so that I had ready access to the OLED info screen:
Finally, one more thought - This is absolutely horrible performance out of a product that I paid $150 of my hard earned money for - for example, I just had to hard reset the router b/c it stopped working, all my machines could not even ping the router, and I could not log into it. Thus far, it has been running for 36 Minutes and 31 Seconds, and I have the following:
Sent : 27316 .
TX Packets Dropped : 10 .
Collisions : 0 .
Received : 31781 .
RX Packets Dropped : 0 .
Errors : 0 .
***10*** packets dropped in ***36*** minutes??? That is a major problem. My 4300 would not accumulate 10 dropped packets in a friggin month.
Ru-Fi-Oh - are there any non upgraded routers left out there that D-Link is willing to swap with users?