QoS off
adv. dns off
unicast off, used to be on
dns relay on
dhcp reserved ip addresses on. Did most
kept firewall on but changed to endpoint
forwarded ports
WISH turned off
WPS turned off
time set
---So it fixed itself midway. 1 thing I know that affected my ping is having a stream on in the background since my ISP does this thing where it limits speeds between 8-12PM in exchange for unlimited bandwidth. Also, the point where I noticed it was fixed is when I added devices to the DHCP reserved list. Could that have affected my ping tht much? Maybe if a device kept reconnecting and connecting (very unsure).
Or there was an issue with the ISP that they fixed during the time I was trying to fix it because I don't think I had some high bandwidth program on in the background for the past few days non stop.