Hello Fatman,
Thank you for helping me with this.
I've followed the two first methods listed in this article:
http://wiki.dns323.info/howto:chroot_debianNote that the first method is not using chroot at all, I'm only recounting it for completeness.
First method: Downloading debnasThe script properly unpacks linux.tar and creates the directory called linux.
I then try to ssh as myself, then root, and lastly try to telnet in.
$ ssh john@
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
$ ssh root@
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
$ telnet
telnet: connect to address Connection refused
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host
Second method: Proper chroot'ingAs I mentioned, I'm using ffp 0.5. Both telnetd and sshd are working properly.
I've downloaded and unarchived Debian Etch, though that last bit of information turns out to be beside the point, as I can't chroot anything; I keep getting 'Illegal Instruction'.
bash-3.2# /ffp/bin/busybox chroot /mnt/HD_a2/etch /bin/bash
Illegal instruction
My first assumption was that there was something wrong with the /mnt/HD_a2/etch/bin/bash, so I tried fetching Sarge, with the same result.
Oddly enough, I can't get it to execute the "local" bash with chroot, but that's with a completely different error:
bash-3.2# which bash
bash-3.2# /ffp/bin/busybox chroot /ffp/bin/ bash
chroot: cannot execute bash: No such file or directory
I'd try to crosscompile from the bottom up, but since the source for 1.02+ isn't available, and I'd prefer not going back to 1.01, I'd prefer not to go that route.