have the DIR-850L router configured to use a static IP address. This static IP address was assigned by my ISP. I have the default gateway and default DNS addressed from my ISP. When entering the primary DNS address into the DNS server 1 field on the static IPv4 configuration page, I am given an error message saying the address entered is invalid and should be in the format of 192.168... etc. The only time I would use a local IP address vs the public DNS server addresses would be if I were using the router to dynamically obtain DNS server addresses from my ISP. Given this, using the local address of the router still gives me no Internet connection. I can use the IP address of a website ( for Google for example) age load the page successfully. Using the host name Google.com does not work, along with any other website URL. Why are the DNS server addresses specified by my ISP being refused when I enter them into the router under the static IP address configuration page? This a flaw in the firmware.