Within the Torrent page of the 320 there is a "Blamk" torrent, have switched Torrenting Off/On still remains. It has happened before and I fixed though I can't recall how !
I do have funplug installled and if I telnet from cmd in Windows :
cmd -> telnet -> o (small for open) ipadressofNAS
Then ls to list contents: [Sqare Brackets are Notes]
sh-4.1# ls
bin etc home linuxrc mnt proc sbin tmp var
dev ffp lib lost+found opt root sys usr
sh-4.1# cd mnt
sh-4.1# ls
HD HD_a4 HD_b4 USB isoMount web_page
sh-4.1# cd HD
sh-4.1# ls
sh-4.1# cd HD_a2/
sh-4.1# ls
Ajaxpf Nas_Prog P2P ffp ffp.log fun_plug recycle [Found You !]
sh-4.1# cd P2P
sh-4.1# ls
MOVE ME MOVIES.lnk TV Series.lnk TV Shows.lnk Torrent complete incomplete
sh-4.1# cd Torrent/
sh-4.1# ls [Returns Zeo Data]
sh-4.1# ls -al [Show all hidden files]
total 8
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 Dec 10 20:30 .
drwxrwxrwx 6 root root 4096 Nov 5 20:48 ..
sh-4.1# [ Not sure how to process from Here]
An CLI gurus advise how to progress ?