Since installation I'm unable to reach the Web Interface of my DAP-1360 router over WiFi.
Instead I'm getting a DAP-1522 interface... (yes!!) and then get stucked with Username/pwd combination.
Of course, I'm sure I'm connected to my router (not to the neighbor's one).
Over Ethernet, access is normally granted to the interface and it's correct (DAP-1360), and my login/pwd works fine as well
I'm only facing issues with WiFi
To avoid making confusion, the AP function is working well, I connect normally to the router over WiFi and have normal access to the internet without any limitation, it's ONLY the Web Interface and ONLY over WiFi.
I already changed SSID, Web Interface Admin password, tried with different PC"s and keeps getting a DAP-1522 interface that I can't use.
Already reset the device several times, tried several combination for the 1522 home page (Admin/Blank - Admin/Admin - admin/blank - admin/admin - Admin/my password - admin/my password ....)
I'd really appreciate your help here as I'm short if ideas
(maybe this is a technical limitation and Web Interface is not meant to be accessible by wifi, in that case, why I'm I getting another product interface)
Environment details :
HW F1 - SW 6.05
Region : MEA
Usage : Access Point
Thanks in advance !