Yeah, while typing I went to read my older posts then found out Spock is no longer with us then got further distracted by some drama of personalities I follow. Anyway..
The 4100 has no wireless support, is another feature I like because it's not broadcasting radiation right next to me. I know you can turn wireless off on most routers, but I question just how much EMF it still produces.
Firmware is 1.8 (which I heard was pulled but can't remember why).
Hardware rev: A3
Modem: Arris TM802G
WAN ping respond has always been enabled: I run a line monitoring tool to record the health of my connection.
My issue right now is that I'm trying to troubleshoot a poor performance issue with Skype video calling (one thread
here). My connection to people is abysmal despite having a 120/35 service
(which the DGL-4100 doesn't support Gigabit WAN on, so I'm limited to 92mbps), video keeps getting limited to 640x360 or even 320x180. Skype seems to constantly send ICMP packets to gauge the connection and my outbound ones are being blocked. This,
assumingly, makes Skype think I have a bandwidth problem (latency = bandwidth, right) and drops the quality of my video to unwatchable levels. I've done all I can to troubleshoot the issue on my end on the PCs and the only thing left is looking at the router.
Also, when attempting to test the issue myself via a VM, the router was blocking my connections to myself (WAN IP) on different ports. ex: WAN IP:52386 to WAN IP:80.
And even more aside from that, but not relevant to my current issue, I am always in a 'no incoming connections' state when running bit torrent, despite forwarding all ports properly. It does connect and work well for downloads, but seemingly at a much reduced level at which it should be for uploads.
As I said, I don't want to disable the firewall as even if it works I'd be putting myself at more of a security risk, so I'm hoping there's another solution to the issue. I mean I could try it for troubleshooting reasons I suppose, but it won't be until later tonight.
I see the DGL-5500 has fallen to $80 and has quite poor reviews. I guess I'd be looking at a different brand in present time should I buy a new router.