My newly purchased DSC-5020L wont connect to any wifi-network, what so ever. I have tried with 3 different APs, both with and without WPS, and even one without password, but to no avail.
The WPS negotiation seems to work OK according to the diagnostic output from the access point, but after that it doesn't even seem to attempt to connect as far as pcap on the APs WiFi interface concerns (although I don't have a hardware wi-fi sniffer handy so I cant check what it actually does).
What I do notice is that the site-survey page does not load completely. It ends with abruptly in mid HTML-tag, suggesting a firmware problem causing the underlying CGI to crash.
I have tried the firmware versions what-ever-the-camera-came-with, 1.04.03, 1.05.b8 and lastly the beta 1.06.01 but to no avail.
The last part of the /aplist.htm page that loads is:
<tr><td><input type=radio name="SSIDSelection" value="1" onclick="SetValue('[REDACTED]',1,1,4)"></td><td>[REDACTED]</td><td>[RE DA CT ED]</td><td>1</td><td>WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK</td><td>96</td></tr>
<tr><td><input type=radio name="SSIDSelection" value="2" onclick="SetValue(