Hello all!
I have a problem with my new DCS-3132L. I tried with all available firmwares to get e-mail sending to run.
I have some DCS-932L with actual firmware and good working motion detection...
First of all, my email configuration work on all other (3) webcams and the password have 8 digits and without any special character. I also tried different email provider (Strato and Gmail).
The feedback "Test Error." on event setup page is very poor!
I Tried:
Restarts, new firmwares 1.00.06 up to 1.05.02
smtp: smtp.strato.de, IP number, smtp.gmail.com
Ports: 25, 465, 587
This server requires a secure connection (StartTLS): is activated
Password: different passwords but less than 8 digits is not possible at my email provider
Do anyone have a idea what I can to to get this cam run or how to know, whats the root cause is?