Located in Texas. Have installed latest FW 1.06.
I'm having a very hard time figuring out if SmartConnect is working properly. I can't figure out the conditions under which the router is supposed to switch from the 2.4ghz band to the 5ghz band. Testing with my Android 5.0 phone, I do speedtests from various places around my apartment and watch the Statistics page within the D-Link access point. Sometimes it seems to switch from 5ghz to 2.4 when I begin to push the range of the router, most of the time the signal just drops entirely. When it does switch to 2.4, I can enter a room very close to the router and it seems not to ever switch back to 5ghz. However. after having spent a few minutes testing with my girlfriend's iPhone5s (which I also cannot get to switch to 2.4ghz), suddenly my Android is back to the 5ghz channel. I wish I understood how this was SUPPOSED to work so I could tell IF it's working or not.
I previously had an issue where the router was clearly switching devices' bands under varying conditions but as soon as the switch would happen the device would no longer have internet connectivity, only LAN. This was on 1.02 or 1.03 (can't remember exactly), but this issue seems to be fixed with 1.06. I just want to make sure SmartConnect is fully functional now, but, as I mentioned before, it's hard to tell.
I also have the Chrome login Chinese characters problem, but my screen is blank. No issue with IE.