I have a pretty old DNS-323 running the official firmware version 1.08. I have back-ups for a large part of the data, but the time involved in back-up and restore is so large that I'd rather not take chances with my data.
I have music, pictures and video scattered all over the volume. It's actually quite organised, in folders per family member, origin of the media, etc.
I have the UPnP AV server pointed at a folder /media/mediashare, in which I copied all files that I wanted to use on UPnP clients. It seemed a good idea at the time, but after years it's getting out of hand.
I'd like to have a "/media/mediashare" folder that contains only symbolic links to the folders that I'd like to use over UPnP. I assume that the UPnP AV server would be able to access all linked folders that way. Regarding that, I have a number of questions:
- Is there any way to get those links in place using stock firmware, or does this require FFP or ALT-F?
- If I would move over to ALT-F, does my data on the disks remain intact or should I update my backup before trying?
- Can I "test-drive" ALT-F from a USB stick, and keep my 1.08 in case something does not work?
- Could I use a temporary ALT-F from USB to create the symbolic links and then restart the 1.08 stock firmware again?
Thanks in advance for your advises,