I'm just trying to connect to FTP sites. For my job, I work in radio, and I have to download a number of radio shows for our stations each week. We get the shows from program networks and they are divided by segments. These are MP3 files. So we're not talking about small files, but not super large ones either. On average, each segment depending on length and Internet conditions might take me from 40 seconds to 3 minutes to download.
I've been downloading these shows for years every week. They come from several different networks/FTP sites. They are in folders on the FTP sites, and there is usually about 20-30 program mp3 segments in each folder.
I use WSFTP.
Everything has been fine using my prior Linksys router. We just changed routers when the other started majorly slowing down this week. Immediately upon switching I started having FTP problems.
I can connect to the FTP sites. I select all the files in the folder and click to transfer them all to the local computers.
Files do complete, and are successfully downloaded. There is no issue with timing out in the middle of a file or corruption.
If a file takes less than 60 seconds to download, everything is fine, and the file completes and starts downloading the next one.
Here's the trouble. If a file takes longer than 60 seconds to download (even 61 seconds, or 62 seconds), it will finish downloading (it doesn't just time out) but then after a file is complete, WSFTP stops instead of continuing to the next file with this error:
"! Receive error: Blocking call cancelled"
Then I have to log back in to the FTP server, select the rest of the files, and proceed.
This happens EVERY time. Every single 60+ second download. 57 seconds works fine. 61 seconds does not. I've Googled it and sooooo many results come up for someone trying to get an FTP server to work with a router. I'm just trying to be a client and this has nothing at all to do with the server (I can use my old router and it works fine, or I can connect to an alternate server and the same thing happens). It doesn't matter if the connection is wireless or wired (I've tried both). What can I do? I'm stumped. Help!
Suggestions I've tried from Internet:
Making sure FTP program is in passive mode