Hi Furry,
I looked at what you linked me to and yes similar to my set up.
I reset all items and uploaded the newer drives.
Still no success!
So I rang UK DLINK and got hold of the most nobody's ever.
He treated me like I hadn't gone though all the processes. He was as good a chocolate fire grate!
Anyway I still cant get my Camera to send pics to the DNS320L whatever combo of settings. Just doesn't like it!
But I did notice that my cameras are sending pictures to my email accounts via the sharecentre.
I am going to have to leave it like that as I cant spend more time on this.
It is doing partially what I want it to do so I am happy to go with this.
And now for my pop at DLINK here is you need out of the box set up regardless of routers.
You aim this at the amateur market (Amazon) and then will not give support.
If the share centre has more on it then why is there no way to use the sharecentre to save pics to it is surveillance.
The share centre in the DNS320L is a lot more user friendly than the cameras.
Your UK support is abysmal.
Rant over.
Furry thanks for your help so far. If I ever et the pics working I will let you and the forum know. But it is strange because I did have it working at one point. The second camera mucked everything up.
You should be allowed to add another camera to the system out of the box e.g. copy settings of current camera and apply a new fixed address for it.