Apparently Sony decided to change the DLNA ID of the PS3 in Firmware 2.41.
Pre 2.40:X-AV-Client-Info: av=5.0; cn="Sony Computer Entertainment"; mn="PLAYSTATION3"; mv="1.0"; User-Agent: UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.00
Post 2.40:X-AV-Client-Info: av=5.0; cn="Sony Computer Entertainment Inc."; mn="PLAYSTATION 3"; mv="1.0";User-Agent: UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.00
In doing so, it has caused certain file formats to quit working, including the native mp4 format. Any chance D-Link is planning a firmware update to address this?
I have tested this theory by doing a restore back to pre 2.41 firmware on the PS3 and sure enough everything works again. However, no one wants to be sitting on an old version of the PS3 firmware just to play movies.