Has anybody managed to get this to work reliably? From what I can gather, the export of a video is almost totally broken in a number of D-Link NVR's
The manual says videos can be exported as .avi and ,asf - The DNR-312L itself will only backup its own format files with a suffix of .db - not as an avi.
Furthermore, many small files are exported which D-Link imply can be converted on a windows PC using a application called Playback Manager that is
suppossed to read the .db files and create an avi file - it very seldom seems to work and, when it does, creates multiple .avi files which will not play
correctly even using Videolan VLC which normally plays just about anything. Playback Manager sometimes creates loads of files of Zero bytes and and
on the rare occasion it does work, it seems to take around 20 times real time to create all the unplayeable .avi files.
Looking around the net, I found posts going to back to 2009 where people were having problems exporting D-Link video files.
I have the latest firmware and have the latest version of the Playback Manager from the D-Link website.
Has anyone successfully and reliably exported videos to avi of any length and if so, what do you play them with? I want to export several hours
worth of CCTV captured on the DNR-312L and edit it. None of the editors tried so far will play the imported files let alone render them!