Device: DSR-250N, hardware version: A1, firmware left original so far (1.01B46)
The router works within intranet (WAN disabled; DHCP set to Relay; IP LAN address defined as static). In WiFi radio settings "n and g" mode selected. Other settings by default. Date/time set to correct ones, NTP sync enabled.
I experience problems making its WiFi work. Details:
1. When setting WiFi throiugh Wizard, I end up with WPA/WPA2 (as declared), although there's no WPA/WPA2 security options in Profiles, only OPEN/WEP.
When client attempts to connect, it ends up asking for password again and again.
2. When setting through manual configuration (using WEP),
- WiFi SSID isn't actually broadcast - WiFi-enabled devices do not see the AP in the list
- after trying to connect by setting parameters manually, device ends up asking key/password again and again
What are my options beyond installing the last firmware and re-attempting all the above?
Update: The line like below are being written to Log facility when Iupdate Profile settings:
Thu Jul 16 13:47:35 2015(GMT+0600) [DSR-250N][Local0-wireless][UDOT11] sqlite3QueryResGet failed