Thanks for prompt reply
1. version is latest as I unpacked my router ; I upgraded straith awy to version 1.06 I belive in Australia ( I am at work now as soon as I get home ,will check it again
2.A1 Ibelieve ( I will check it as well
3. Australia
4. Cable
5 Fiber modem provided by NBN fiber in australia as standard modem in Garage
6. File format most are MKV which when I put my USB 3 memory stick directly to TV will play ; but because my house is 2 story house and Tv is level 1 and router is level 2 I would like to use this benfit of router if I can .
7 . My smart Tv has wifi ac which I beleieve has 5 Ghz band as you said
8. smart connect is off as I prefered to have single seprate channel ; 2.4, 5.1, 5.2 which I allocate each to different people in the house then we dont interfere each other usage
I will update this post asap when I get home ; also if you dont mind let me know how I can set sepecific time off from internet in adavance setting of each wifi 5 ghz channle ; I did my self for example I turned off channele 5.2 and set time from 1500-1600 in adavance setting and after all saving which is almost 100 sec ; I tought we cannot access that channel in that sepcific time ; but didnt work.. there should be somthing wrong either the way I set it up or software issue.