"I don't know how you can produce overhead numbers for a device that is not only a closed device, it doesn't even have the correct processor to run the binaries for the BitLocker. "
The specs for the processor are generally available, and encryption does not take a massive amount of CPU if done properly. You keep a key on the disk that is encrypted heavily, then unlock it to use a weaker faster key for encryption of the data. Standard encryption. Even basic encryption would be welcome. As it is now, any teenager can see your data if they get the drive. Even basic encryption would up the bar significantly, no one is suggesting to use the 321 for government work.
"With encryption on the device itself you lose all of the above except security in case of theft."
Theft is a major issue in many countries. No one is going to break in and splice by ethernet, but outside the US theft is VERY common. With no encryption, that means any teenager who then buys the stolen drives at the pawn shop or black market, then can scan for private records etc.
"It is also worth noting that thinking your network is secure so you don't have to worry about attacks in transport or from your network, but being concerned about physical theft is short sighted. If they can "
No, you are being very short sighted in usage scenarios of the 321. Its not about using it for the CIA, its casual home use and work groups.
"If you need anything more than casual security"
That would be great advice, if the 321 had casual security which it doesn't.