Not sure if this helps, but the 5GHz signal will have half the penetration assuming that it's using the same signal strength as the 2.4GHz signal. If you use different SSIDs on different bands maybe force the distant devices to use the 2.4GHz signal and the closer devices to use the 5GHz signal?
The 2.4GHz signal can be optimized too. The channels overlap, so pick 1, 6, or 11. 3 overlaps with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 IIRC. And as you can see, your software recommends 11.
So without any ability to boost the signal, this might provide some relief.
* Channel 11.
* 5GHz where your devices support it and are located closely to the router.
* 2.4GHz for your more distant devices.
Different SSIDs allow you to control which devices are picking what channels.
5GHz should be your first choice since the spectrum is more open, but you may need to juggle, unfortunately. At least if you force your stuff to 5GHz where it's close, it's removing those devices from the 2.4GHz spectrum, leaving more of that open for the more distance devices.