I will start with your last point first, there is no port forwarding here, a (somewhat) random source port is used by a host attempting to open a TCP connection, the destination port is the one that people know and love.
Blocked outgoing TCP packet from to as PSH:ACK received but there is no active connection
Blocked incoming TCP packet from to with unexpected sequence 3534148511 (expected 1647742096 to 1647806336)
In this case in the first packet your PC is the source and chose a (somewhat) random port (4344), the remote IP is the destination and so a well known port is used (443 which is commonly used for HTTPS).
In the second packet the remote side is still the destination, but it is sending a return packet, it should be noted that this is an entirely different connection (judging by the different local side ports.
This logging is also interesting in that it happens after NAT, but that is just a interesting thing to note for the time being, it bears no relevance.
Now for why these packets are being blocked.
The first one is our of sequence, TCP connections normally use a 3 way handshake (SYN, SYN/ACK, ACK), this log message informs you that the software on your PC jumped to ACK without a SYN and SYN/ACK passing through NAT.
The second packet has an out of range sequence number (this one is more likely to be cause by confused connections than anything else). The sequence number is one of the fields in the TCP header that is used for both connection integrity purposes as well as a certain amount of security. In order to join the conversation a middle man would have to know the correct sequence number, which is unlikely.
The solution is to turn off SPI and endpoint filtering, this will allow at least the first packet through, and it might the second as well. It should be noted however that they were both dropped because they are examples of packets that should never happen if the TCP standard is followed. Such malformed packets have been used in attacks in the past, this is why the default action is to drop them. Someone is playing fast and loose with the rules here, and it does not bode well for your VoIP application.