I have a dns-325 and I am running the fun-plug 0.7 extension.
I noticed today that if I ssh into the box and type df -h, I get crazy big numbers:
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/ram0 0.0K 0.0K 0.0K 59% /
/usr/local/tmp/image.cfs 283G 283G 0 100% /usr/local/modules
/dev/mtdblock5 1.3T 108G 1.2T 9% /usr/local/config
/dev/sda4 485T 28T 458T 6% /mnt/HD_a4
/dev/sda2 459P 404P 55P 89% /mnt/HD/HD_a2
I mean, it would be great if I really had 459 petabytes of disk space, but the reality is that I have a 2TB black WD drive.
I googled around, and didn't see anything relevant, so I thought I would post here.
In the meantime, I looked to see if the /bin/df command worked correctly:
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
rootfs 8.7M 4.8M 3.5M 58% /
/dev/root 8.7M 4.8M 3.5M 58% /
/dev/loop0 35.3M 35.3M 0 100% /usr/local/modules
/dev/mtdblock5 5.0M 428.0k 4.6M 8% /usr/local/config
/dev/sda4 484.3M 27.6M 456.7M 6% /mnt/HD_a4
/dev/sda2 1.8T 1.6T 219.4G 88% /mnt/HD/HD_a2
and it does!
I thought I would post here, in case anyone else was having a similar issue.
I'm not sure why the fun_plug /ffp/bin/df command is wrong, maybe it was cross-compiled incorrectly?