Hello everyone, I am a new member but I have been following these threads for quite some time, I have an A1 version of the router and have experienced all of the problems that have occurred, the slowdowns and lockups. I bought this router last October, so I still within the warranty period right? I have read that they sent out A2 versions of the router to some, does anyone know if those A2 versions are working any better than the A1's? If so, what do I have to do to get one? I have been updating with the newest firmware's as they have come available, and have the 1.21 right now. I have very basic settings, just wanted something with gigabit for the ps3 as well as voip with 2 blackberries, and 2 laptops. Calls get dropped constantly and the on the laptops, some pages load really slowly, or I have to reload. Any ideas?