Hello guys,
I have two DAP-1360 in my office (as AP) and they work very well. I have a simple request... maybe for a future firmware upgrade. I don't know how to submit my request to DLINK, maybe some staff member is reading this forum...
I need an option to disable the administration gui for wireless clients so It can be only accessible via wired LAN connection.
This will prevent any wireless client to access the gui and try to force access with any kind of attack and will also hide any information about the firmware and/or hardware version (in case of known unfixed security holes). But will let me manage the device from my LAN.
It's a simple option to add like "WebGUI accessible via" with 3 options "WLAN only", "LAN only" and "LAN/WLAN".
I had a very cheap dsl modem/router years ago that had this option and was a must!
Thank you!!
My DAP-1360 si HW version C1 and firmware 3.06.