Again I'm no computer expert and I'm second guessing - maybe you can answer better. Was Ubooquity modified to work on DLink NAS devices?
I have not created D-Link addons myself, so I'm no expert on the matter, but what I'm sure of is that Ubooquity has not been modified, only packaged into the addon (included "as is" if you will, with additional content from the addon author).
Ubooquity can be installed on any device running Java, including D-Link devices (without addon).
Depending on the way the device works, installation can be tedious for non tech-savvy users.
That's where an addon helps: it includes scripts that automate the installation process, allowing the users to install it with a few clicks.
Thank you again for taking the time to respond
I also understand from what both you and vtverdohleb have stated (including the other thread;topicseen that additional scripting is required to enable Ubooquity to install and function correctly on the DLink NAS
Again I refer to my first comment in that I understand and accept Ubooquity is free and should remain so.
I know it's in your best interest and morals that this is the reason for your comments within this forum.
I don't know vtverdohleb personally but I believe (in my heart) that vtverdohleb is not profiteering from the resources he makes available. I would assume (and yes it's an assumption because of language barrier) that the "donations" received by vtverdohleb in no way covers for the time and effort.
It was with regret that he had to put some sort of restrictions on adapting/updating addons and it wasn't his fault - it was all down to DLink. Now I know this has nothing much to do with you. You created a piece of software and you've allowed it to be used freely and without payment.
I don't know what to suggest
vtverdohleb is looking for donations only - as a part of his everyday income was withdrawn at the beginning of the year. He could of just walked away and us DLink NAS owners would be left with basically a LAN Storage Device
Tom wants his software to be free - yet for most DLink NAS who could use or be interested later won't have the necessary skills to enable Ubooquity to work on their device.
It's a minefield - I understand and accept both sides - I'm just hoping that I've made both sides aware of all the issues, cleared up some concerns and hopefully this can be turned into something positive.