Hello. I've just bought and installed a DIR-855L in place of my DIR-655 and so far I am happy with it.
So, 2 things to ask -
1. the 855's user interface is, shall we say, "very limited" and doesn't show very much.
How can I find out what the connection speed is from PCs wired to the DIR-855 router ?
2. I have 2 PCs wired (and other thimgs) to the DIR-855 router. The NICs are configured to connect at 1000Mbps full duplex.
When using the old DIR-655 and copying files from one PC to the other PC, using file shares, Windows showed files transferring circa 100MB/s ...
When using the new DIR-855 and copying files from one PC to the other PC, using file shares, Windows showed files transferring circa 10MB/s ... 1/10th the speed.
Because it is very large video files being copied around (many gigabytes), transferring at less than gigabit speeds is totally inadequate.
The main reason I bought the DIR-855L is because it's advertised at as gigabit router - but it is acting like it is a 100Mb/s router). Same PCs before and after.
Suggestions on how to diagnose/fix are heartily sought.