It's 100% a configuration issue. Why else would her DIR-635 work without problems for 5+ years? I asked her today, she never did anything fancy like using it as an access point or similar.
So you have no idea how your internet actually works? I think that should be your first step otherwise we are troubleshooting in the dark. I doubt they would put everyone in the complex on the same network. That would be a security nightmare. So there must be some kind of room with a patch panel or switch or something to separate traffic going to your apartment.
Never needed to know the exact setup they use; I just know that it's fast, cheap and has always worked pretty well, certainly never had any router setup problems. As for a switch, none that any residents have access to. And as for the security, well yes, that would fit the carrier NAT that I, long time ago and on forgotten basises, pretty reasonably guessed they had. The point is, though, that of me and my mother, brother and friend who've all lived in this complex with the same ISP for 10+ years have never, ever had anything to do with a modem for it to work.
Here's a picture of the ethernet jack in the wall; either it goes from the wall to the router or, as I am using it right now, directly into my computer.
Some screenshots of your router's status page would help, but honestly I think it's more important to know about what kind of network the router is being put into.
Why's that all suddenly important? Following the router setup wizard guides or whatever they're called has served me well in the past on the same network.
PS. If you don't know how the internet works, how do you know about it using carrier NAT? Is this a WISP or some kind internet based on cellular?
It was a good guess as I said above. And no, it says on their site that it's cable.
I've just ordered another cheap router that I quickly found, should come by monday or tuesday. I'm almost certain it'll work immediately, but we'll see.