No there DSR series routers use a different UI. Completely different.
Ya been discussion over the years of Jumbo frames and such. I presume maybe one reason is that most home class HW or adapters may not be standard in this regard for home class users and HW so maybe too many variables in home users and developing JF for home routers. Also maybe just like what D-Link seems to follow, they design and develop for the average home users rather than more advanced and just not enough call and use for JF in the average home arena. I don't know for sure. And with the advent of 10Gb supporting HW on the horizon for home class HW, things might change for this speed class. We don't know. D-Link has one of the few NICs and Switches that support 10Gb, however only for enterprise at this time. I'm still wondering when the consumer class will see ~10Gb supporting HW officially.