Hi everyone,
I have a problem with configuring IP Rules for my network.
How it looks like:
I have to location connected by IPSec Tunnel. This to location have the same ISP. Network nr 1 have ip from pool, location 2 have ip from pool
Between this two localisation will work VoIP. In network 2 will be sip server/proxy, phones/other stuff from network 1 will connect with sip server in location 2.
I create this iprules.
I allow to allservices between this two location through ipsec tunnel, more over I allow to SIP(UDP 5060 protocol), and RTP(UDP:8100-8200 protocol) between this two location using core. Unfortunetaly there is no audio receiving to one site. I'm do not use any NAT -working with proxy sip in local network.
Can you advice me something or show mistakes? I'm only working with DFL's, other company creating VoIP infrastructure and telling me that DFL firewall's cut off signal.
Edit: I have info from ISP that their do not filtering any packets.