Dang, just lost everything I was adding.
I was playing with a IPV4 firewall, but lost outgoing connection when I saved the rule, and everything I had typed in.
Yes, want to block WAN to LAN access.
For the rule, I selected this --> "Turn IPV4 Filtering ON and DENY rules listed"
The manual isn't 100% clear at to what this means (at least to me).
From the manual: "To begin, use the drop-down menu to select whether you want to ALLOW or DENY the rules you create"
Denying the Rule seems a strange way to word it, so I assume that it means it will deny the access listed in the rule.
Had an issue with setting a WAN rule range.
Can't use
Lowest you can set is and highest is
So I created this rule"
"Turn IPV4 Filtering ON and DENY rules listed"
Name: Block WAN Access
Source: WAN
Destination: LAN
Port Range: Any
Schedule: Always Enable
So once I Saved it, I lost outbound network connection.
Obviously that was not what I wanted to happen.