On the QoS page, press CTRL-F5 to refresh and try again.
When you reset the router last, you said it was still at .2? If this is the case the router did not reset properly.
The save button should be the same javascript script. Being isolated to QoS something may be glitched on the firmware.
I would try an emergency firmware recovery. This will completely overwrite the firmware. I would use 1.11 firmware file. Also you will need to statically assign your computer its IP settings (if not already) - or something other than 1 gateway and dns dont worry about.
Hold the reset button down with a paperclip, unplug the power from the router and plug back in while still holding the reset button in. Wait about 5-7 seconds and release. Once it boots, go to and it will ask to upload a firmware file. Load it and try again.