Couldn't decide if I should start a new thread but curious that I return to this forum after nearly a year of pretty good performance and the first post is similar to my issue. Happy to start a new one as this kind of diverted.
Chromecast performance has degraded for me lately, as has mDNS (.local), as has SSH (port 22).
Experience is that Spotify, Youtube, Plex on my Nougat phone will see the Chromecast icon but time out casting content. Sometimes the Chromecast icon is greyed out or my renderer device unavailable. I have tried Google's troubleshooting and restarted everything. Sometimes it works, usually it doesn't.
SSH connections to a Raspberry Pi via IP fail 50% of the time and the Pi's mDNS address (.local) fails to resolve more often than not. But the kicker is that they both sometimes work.
It seems something is interfering with the way these services broadcast their availability/status.
I haven't changed anything on the router lately. Google Home app seems to see the Chromecast fine and allow me to remotely reboot it and change the slide show.
I am on WW1.08 HW A1 with ~15 devices. I have Powerline connected for a NAS, but this route is not used for any of the other mentioned services.