We all know the built-in samba is a joke for those who need full functionality/control of it.
While D-Link insist to implement it in the easiest way, to reduce the complex of technical support?
Or would these gurus like fordem be interested to call TS for this kind of problem???
I really doubt it......
Come on D-link, Check out the posts number of DNS323 in this forum...we know you can do better.
Personally - I see nothing wrong with the "built-in samba", and whilst I wouldn't consider the DNS-323 to be perfect, I am (right now) running it with fw 1.08b5 beta, and no further hacks or add-ins, and it does everything I need.
I believe those who have issues are those who are deploying the box in an environment in which D-Link did not intend it to be used - and I have a feeling, and I could be right or wrong, that this change was made in an attempt to reduce the number of neophytes getting themselves into trouble.
I'll be the first to admit, I'm no linux guru, and despite having used both unix and linux for over a decade, I still get tripped by the CR/LF issues - if it happens to me, what hope is there for the home user who never heard of it before he bought his (or her's) DNS-323?
What do I think it needs to make it really complete?
Support for an external removable USB hard disk and backup-to/restore-from said external disk through the web admin. interface - how about it D-Link?