Hi everyone, new to site and new to D-Link routers. Purchased my Covr 3902 last August, easy setup and super wireless coverage, my setup then was cable modem technicolor tc 4300 to this router, hardwired to windows 10 pc, hardwired to Cisco 122 ata(phone), hardwired to Lg smart tv, ipad/iPhone etc using wireless. My ips plan was 40 down 10up. With this setup I was getting my isp speeds for the most part mostly in the mid 30’s
Now to Jan 2020, upgraded my isp plan to 120 down 10up, provider stated I needed new modem due to speed and sent technicolor tc4350, installed modem , and plugged into Covr router with everything as previously hooked up, my speed results, all hardwired devices, speed is now mid 20 to low 30, but all wireless is 90 to 110 down!, something is capping the data thru router?
Things I tried
1) Factory reset and reinstalled Covr router - no change in hardwired speed
2) hardwired modem directly to pc (no router) - I get full speed from ips
3) on Lg tv changed from hardwired to wireless - speed increases from 25 to 100 !
4) reinstalled old Linksys ea6400 router with same wiring as Covr router - everything works speed on both wired and wireless are up around 90 to 110
I don’t understand why the Covr router is sooo slow on wired devices? I have removed all QoS devices, anyone experience something similar. Appreciate everyone’s input, I really like this router and the quality of the wireless through out my home, but this wired slow speed is no good