I've figured it out, answer below. So that you aren't disappointed. I already have a MYBOOKLIVE mounted which transfers at about 36MBps, which is OK but I would have like a tad more oomph! Unfortunately, the usb port only transfers at 6MBps using ethernet, half that using wireless. I tried two different USB drives and got the same result.
First, plug a usb drive into the router. Log in and click on "USB device" on the router's home page. Bottom right hand corner "Go to settings". User/create user. make sure Samba is enabled, then click "Browse". You want the root name at the top. Make a note of the name.
I'm using Kubuntu but it will work with Ubuntu and derivatives.
Next enter the commnad line.
Isntall CIFS if it isn't already installed.
sudo apt-get install cifs-utils
Create a directory of your choice. I chose usb in /media.
sudo mkdir /media/usb
Open fstab to edit
sudo nano /etc/fstab
add the following line
// /media/usb cifs username=Admin,password=******,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,users,vers=1.0 0 0
conrol-X, yes, yes to save.
My router is, which corresponds to the usb drive, JMicron_Tech_00161. My password is six numbers, replace * with your admin password to access the router. I think I read that the DIR-882 uses vers=1.0, I also tried 2.0 and 3.0. They worked but no increase in speed so left it at 1.0. MYBOOKLIVE uses 2.0.
That's it, folks.