I have purchased a Dlink Covr 1202 router a couple of days ago, but I am facing a lot of issues with the speeds I am getting on the wifi network.
As we all know Covr 1202 is a dual-band router, but we use one SSID to connect to it. The router in turn decides which device connects to which band and I have no control over it.
In my experience over the last few days of using this product, I have been relatively happy with the performance when using the 5Ghz band, but the performance when connected to the 2.4Ghz band is absolutely abysmal.
I use a 100 Mbps connection, and the speeds I get when connected to the 2.4Ghz network drops to kbps levels. Am testing the network speed on my Macbook. The readings have been taken using "www.fast.com" website and the device location was the same for both readings.
2.4 Ghz band speed: 4.8 Mbps
5 Ghz band spped: 110 Mbps
This inconsistency in speeds makes the Dlink device pretty much unusable as the connection is not at all reliable. A quick google search reveals that the 2.4Ghz band issue is faced by a lot of other users as well.
Is there any fix for this? Please help.