Well I set up my old router to make the pppoe connection and then run it into my dlink (set up for a dhcp wan) and the speed is great so I'm guessing this router just can't handle pppoe. I hope this issue gets fixed though but according to d-link they have had it right since 1.0
^ Click on accolades ^
Now I know its their job to sell their product but why brag about the very thing that is this routers problem: buggy firmware.
I guess they are going to see how much crap they can put over on us and its stupid to have to try to flip through every combo of setting to find one that somehow works. How many things on this router are broken that tech support told me to turn off? DNS Relay, QOS, and I don't remember what else.
I'm done messing with this router, if i see new firmware for it I will download it until then this is just an expensive paperweight and I'm not buying dlink products anymore.
Oh and the tech support sucks. I made a change he told and then he wanted to set up my wireless network and I told him I don't need wireless set up and I just want decent internet speeds(that were still slow) and he basically told me to get off the phone and I had to wait 20 minutes until they would talk to me again because thats how long the router takes to respond to changes in settings. WTF