It would be useful to know:
- What operating system you're using.
- What web-browser
- What error message you get from the web-browser
I'm certainly no expert, but it would be good to distinguish between a DNS issue and a timeout issue (or possibly a ports issue). The error message could help.
It would also be good to know:
- Your service provider
- The model of your modem (from service provider)
I know even less about broadband modems than browser specifics, but based on problems reported here, I get the impression that some folks are having trouble with the combination of their modem and the DIR-825. I have COMCAST, and an SB5100 (going from memory here), with no problems. I recall an earlier post of someone having trouble, who happened to have a much older SB3100 (again, going from memory).
Anyone with an old modem would probably benefit from an upgrade there. If you rent, the swap is probably free.