Mike et al, I'll give the disable DNS Relay a try myself and let you know if it helps.
Mike - to answer your "what is DNS relay and do I care" question - my understanding is that with DNS Relay enabled, when one of your computers/clients requests a page from a site it's not recently visited, the 825 router remembers the remote DNS server's response (the translation from url to ip address) so that the next time your computer/client asks for that same url, the router can do the translation locally instead.
The advantage is lower delay when accessing that url, at least until it drops out of the cache. Additionally if anyone on your LAN accesses that url, everyone on your LAN accessing the same url benefits from the quicker translation.
[UPDATE - Oct 5 - After disabling DNS relay my 825 has stayed up , and working, for 3 days now. Somewhat of a record with the recent trouble. So this did help although for others reading this thread, bear in mind that my 825 HAS a previous history of running fine/stable and did so with DNS relay enabled. - i.e. disabling seems to have helped the problem but DNS relay doesn't explain why it started happening in the first place.
cheers, Peter