Unfortunately near as I can tell Brand D has zero love for Linux drivers. While this is unfortunate, they are following a business model that is almost unanimous, namely ignoring Linux completely.
Brand D at least offers one well hidden FAQ to acknowledge the various 3rd part Linux drivers available. However in my experience it would be easier to find the drivers via Google than find that page at all.
This may change when we get a bigger user base (which Ubuntu is great for), or when we get things standardized a bit more (this is one of the B.S. complaints used by many companies). Also on the list of things that need be done before we will start seeing drivers is make Linux less of a buzzword and a lot less scary, most of the non techies I know (and alot of the old-school techies too) have heard of Linux (as it is a buzzword) but have no experience in it and believe it to be only for hardcore nerds (which makes it scary). This isn't a problem till you realize that the project directors who might have the ability to push for Linux drivers are in that scared group, right now it's an major expense but they see no benefit.